Monday, January 16, 2012

Ronald Reagan was wrong about Trickle Down

Hey, we've had thirty years of this nonsense.  Let's just face the fact that it doesn't work.  The pendulum has swung too far, it is time for a change.  For forty years before Ronald Reagan we had percolate up as opposed to trickle down.  With percolate up we had slow but steady growth with fewer and shallower recessions.  Lately we have had deregulation and big spikes in wealth creation for the few, but long an deep recessions that hurt the many.   We need a commitment to turning things around.  If more people have money in their pocket they will spend more than just a few people with money in their pockets.  No matter how rich you are, you can only wear one pair of jeans at a time  More people can wear more jeans.  It worked for a generation and it can work again.  We just need to think differently about things and realize that RR was wrong about so many things.

1 comment:

  1. So true. If everybody has money, then everybody can buy things, which make rich people even richer. Why don't folks see that? They're just stupid and greedy, that's why.
