Thursday, January 12, 2012

Gordon Gekko for President

REALLY?  Are we really prepared to hand ourselves over to the same people who got us into this mess?  I'm sure Mitt Romney is a nice man, but I suspect he is way out of touch with the reality that most people face.  He never really had to work for a living.  He is not self made.  His daddy paid his college, so what can he really say to kids squashed under crushing college debt about the future.  He thinks capitalism is perfect and flawless.  This is not a view I share.  Capitalism may be good for many things but I don't want it in my medicine, my water and lately I don't even want it in my food.  I'm afraid Mitt and his crew will want to privatize everything from social security to roads and bridges.   Everything will cost more and be a whole lot worse.  There are no savings for anyone to be found when things get privatized.   Just look at the war in Iraq.  We ended up spending a lot more money on Blackwater and their ilk with lousy results.  We should send the corporate money men home.  They are not wealth creators, they are wealth appropriators.  They take.  They don't make or create any wealth except for themselves. People like Steve Jobs make and build.  Hedge fund managers like Romney are just sharks who take apart the wealth created by real creatives and workers, for their profit.  They are destroyers,  not creators.

1 comment:

  1. Steve Jobs was a capitalist too. But at least he actually made something. And when these nutjobs talk about states rights, someone should tell them that it goes both ways. It means states that can take care of themselves, like NY don't have to support states like Mississippi and Alabama. No? Well, states rights=bad idea.
