Monday, January 16, 2012
Ronald Reagan was wrong about Trickle Down
Hey, we've had thirty years of this nonsense. Let's just face the fact that it doesn't work. The pendulum has swung too far, it is time for a change. For forty years before Ronald Reagan we had percolate up as opposed to trickle down. With percolate up we had slow but steady growth with fewer and shallower recessions. Lately we have had deregulation and big spikes in wealth creation for the few, but long an deep recessions that hurt the many. We need a commitment to turning things around. If more people have money in their pocket they will spend more than just a few people with money in their pockets. No matter how rich you are, you can only wear one pair of jeans at a time More people can wear more jeans. It worked for a generation and it can work again. We just need to think differently about things and realize that RR was wrong about so many things.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Ronald Reagan was wrong about Energy Policy
After the 1970's oil embargo, Jimmy Carter put in place new energy policies that were on track to make us energy independent. Instead Ronald Reagan came into office scrapped those programs and put the money into the military budget so we could defend our gas stations at dangerous locations. I'd rather be energy independent. Now thirty years later we are scrambling once again with the same problems and threats. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I certainly don't want to compete with China for oil. Competition isn't always a good thing. Let's forget all the tree hugging stuff, even though I think that is very important and let's just look at our budgets and alternative energy.. How much more money could we have for other stuff if we just solve this problem. I probably won't be able to afford my home in the Northeast because of rising fuel costs. I would love to reduce that bill, but I don't want it to come at the price of clean water which is what the frackers want to do everywhere to get the gas. We need to look at this from a cost effective perspective that gets us sustainable energy without killing life everywhere. I want solar panels on my roof and need to move to Florida in the future.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Gordon Gekko for President
REALLY? Are we really prepared to hand ourselves over to the same people who got us into this mess? I'm sure Mitt Romney is a nice man, but I suspect he is way out of touch with the reality that most people face. He never really had to work for a living. He is not self made. His daddy paid his college, so what can he really say to kids squashed under crushing college debt about the future. He thinks capitalism is perfect and flawless. This is not a view I share. Capitalism may be good for many things but I don't want it in my medicine, my water and lately I don't even want it in my food. I'm afraid Mitt and his crew will want to privatize everything from social security to roads and bridges. Everything will cost more and be a whole lot worse. There are no savings for anyone to be found when things get privatized. Just look at the war in Iraq. We ended up spending a lot more money on Blackwater and their ilk with lousy results. We should send the corporate money men home. They are not wealth creators, they are wealth appropriators. They take. They don't make or create any wealth except for themselves. People like Steve Jobs make and build. Hedge fund managers like Romney are just sharks who take apart the wealth created by real creatives and workers, for their profit. They are destroyers, not creators.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Ronald Reagan was wrong about Unions
Unions may not be perfect, but the fact of the matter is that we are much better off with them than without them. The must be a counterbalance to corporate upper management. Had we kept the unions, real wages would not be going down as adjusted for inflation. Instead we railed against the unions. The PATCO strike was the nail in the coffin of the unions. Now they're coming back but it's slow going. A lot of it has to do with some of the rules the Labor Relations Board is forced to follow. Big business has made it almost impossible for workers to organize and employers are so short sighted that they don't raise wages even though it will mean more spending power. Henry Ford had it right. Pay your workers well enough so they can buy your product. Now employers pay their workers so little that they qualify for public assistance. Their is something wrong with the idea that a full time worker can't afford to buy food. We need unions. Alone we are weak and expendable. United we are stronger.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Industrialized Food and Your Health
Mac Donald's is making us sick. Even if you never eat a Big Mac, Mac Donald's is killing you. It's no accident that obesity has skyrocketed since fast food became popular. The industry has gone a long way to changing the nature of our food. In order to make food faster and cheaper we now force feed cows corn which they were never meant to eat and causes them to harbor dangerous bacteria. Becoming a vegetarian is not the answer either. Tomatoes are picked green and forced to ripen as they travel cross country. Chickens fall over and suffocate because they have been engineered to have breasts so big that they cannot walk. High Fructose corn syrup is in everything from bread to ketchup adding calories but no real nutrition. At the same time the medical profession is hell bent on treating symptoms with the latest lab work from Big Pharma. If we straightened out the food industry, our medicare problem will probably go away as people would be healthier later in their lives. Right now doctors treat only symptoms. They can actually cure very few things. For the most part, I stay away from doctors and try to stay healthy with good nutrition which is not available to many people. There are many places without supermarkets close by. My aunt who ended up getting sick lives in the Bronx in a food desert. Living in a food desert is bad for your health. But that's capitalism, which is not a very efficient system despite what the Republicans want to make you believe. Capitalism leaves dangerous gaps.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Ronald Reagan was wrong about Deregulation
Ronald Reagan was wrong about a lot of things but he was definitively wrong about deregulation. Regulations are a cause not an effect. They are implemented after the fact. Nothing comes from nothing. If mortgage brokers and Wall Street had honest dealings with clients leading up to the financial meltdown, there would be no political will to create a consumer financial protection bureau. The CFPB came into being because some bad people did bad things and cheated people out of their money. The financial industry has no one but themselves to blame for the creation of a consumer watchdog. It's a shame that all the deregulation done away with in the 1970's and 1980's was not brought back. The laws against usury should also be put back on the books. It may have made sense when there was 12% inflation to allow interest rates on credit card to go sky high, but with interest rates at historic lows it makes no sense for interest rates on credit cards to be 25%+. Sometimes crooks should just go to jail and lose their money. Right now the crooks are being allowed to holler cop. After bringing the American economy and the World Economy to the brink of collapse, the financial industry and their Republican running dogs are crying foul over the creation and implementation of the CFPB. If you don't do the wrong thing, the regulations won't affect you. Don't run a red light and a cop won't stop you. It may not be easy, but it is simple.
Friday, January 6, 2012
The Inefficency of Capitalism
Right now there are too many houses on the market. This is a direct reflection of market inefficiency. Instead of blaming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, why not blame the home builders, who obviously over built, built houses that were too big and built too many of them. We need a competing narrative. Right now it's blame the poor people. I think we should look the problem in the eye and blame the capitalists. Instead of taking the growth in productivity gains and spreading the wealth to the people who actually do the work, they put the money in their own pockets. Then they blamed China for moving jobs overseas. Instead of designing and making a better whatever , all our capitalists can think about is paying less for labor. Labor costs are not the problem with our economy. The problem with our economy is the cost of fat management which is hogging all the profits. The top 1% is taking home the pay of the other 99% and then wonders why people aren't shopping. Duh. The market is not flawless. If it were, Goldman Sachs would be out of business. Wall Street is no longer connected to the business of making stuff. They are in the business of moving paper around. They are dangerously disconnected from reality, they don't earn the money they make and have no skin in the game. A teacher is more valuable than a stockbroker, but the market doesn't agree. Seems to me there is something wrong with the market.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Beware of Limiting Entitlements
When anti-government people start to squawk about entitlements-Watch Out! They want their friends in the private sector to put a hand in your pocket. That was the argument they used to get rid of free higher education. Believe it or not there was a time when you could get a college degree for free in this country. My father was an immigrant with a full time job who went to night school for years to get a BA and a Master's degree to better provide for his family. Then they started attacking state and city colleges as a middle class entitlement. Once students were handed over to the private sector, schools started to become less and less affordable. It's outrageous the amount of debt young people are saddled with these days. The Right Wing talks about the burden our young people will face in the future because of higher taxes, but most young people are already indentured to student loans which they may never pay off. My advice to young people is to start working and pay as you go. Also check out college plus on the web and get as much credit as possible for stuff you already know like a second language. Also when in high school take the AP classes. In New York and many other states the state colleges have online programs which are cheaper and which you can do at your leisure while working.
Back to entitlements. Now they are attacking Social Security. This has to be the most craven attack by the right wing to date. Social Security works. It keeps older people out of abject poverty and allows people after a lifetime of hard work to rest. I guess the right has never quite gotten over the New Deal. They want to go back to the old days when people worked as children and died still working. Social Security is solvent for at least 75 years which means even a 25 year old will be able to collect. Don't believe the lies.
Back to entitlements. Now they are attacking Social Security. This has to be the most craven attack by the right wing to date. Social Security works. It keeps older people out of abject poverty and allows people after a lifetime of hard work to rest. I guess the right has never quite gotten over the New Deal. They want to go back to the old days when people worked as children and died still working. Social Security is solvent for at least 75 years which means even a 25 year old will be able to collect. Don't believe the lies.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
They keep raising the bar on education. Used to be you could learn a job and work your way up. You could start right out of high school. It made sense that you could be independent at age 18. You could start a life and start a family. When I went to school the bar was raised, you needed a college degree to get a job but they also wanted top typing skills. Then they wanted a master's degree. One smart thing I did was to get myself a double master's degree, I never regretted it. I was able to work part time and still keep a roof over my head and food on the table. Now the bar is being raised again. Your super expensive college degree must now be concentrated in science. If you didn't study science, you don't deserve to have a job. Now that is crazy and exploitative. In a way we have things all backwards. We don't need just the super educated people, we need people who can actually make things. The ivy league mathematicians were responsible for the fake economy of the 2000's. They had top notch computers skills but lacked common sense, a moral center and a knowledge of history. Because of avarice they created mortgage instruments that crashed our entire economy.. At the same time jobs for people who made stuff started to be outsourced. We sent those jobs overseas. We need to get back to basics. We need to make stuff and we need to pay the people who actually do the work a good wage, so they can turn around and buy that same stuff. That's what Henry Ford did, remember? You can't have falling wages and growth. You will only have growth if wages start to go up. I think we should have a shopping boycott until they start paying better wages. Union busting and downsizing has been going on for the past thirty years. We used to be over 33% union, now it's down to around 6 %. One worker does the work of three. It's time to take our country back from the corporations, not government. We need regulation because people in power and privatized companies can not be trusted. To get back to zero this country needs a diet and an exercise program. We must all whether rich or poor do our part by having a progressive tax. Time to close the loopholes, cut unnecessary spending, and tax everyone to raise money to build this country up to the superpower it should and could be.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Close your Wallet
I'm cheap and I'm going political. I'm all for the folks down at OWS. I think we should have done this long before now. I used to tell people in my church to occupy Wall Street when they would talk to me about protesting at an abortion clinic. I thought protesting at an abortion clinic was just silly. If you really want to prevent abortions then you should be in favor of a living wage. Pay people a decent salary and then they can afford to raise their kids, but businesses cry that they can't afford to pay more. My answer to that is, if you can't pay people a living wage then there is something wrong with your business model. It is hard but at the same time it is simple. The truth is that the people who actually do the work have been getting screwed since Ronald Reagan. He was wrong about too many things to go into on this one posting. Ask yourself the question are you better off now than you were in 1980 before we elected an actor to the White House. I'm old enough to remember that the answer is no.
In response to this thirty year war on the people who actually do the work, I say close your wallet. If they think they can get along without us, I say let them try. I'm no Luddite. I like my technology. I like getting up and writing a blog for instance, but I have had very little money most of my life. Education has given me a host of skills, not least of which is a clear view of what really matters. The truth is that we can live without a lot of stuff and just not spend any money. We can pay our taxes, put food on the table, clothes on our backs and live well with very little. The reality is that we the people have been through this before. The same nonsense happened during the depression. I say: Screw the economy until it stops screwing us. Give us good paying jobs or we won't shop. Some folks are out buying guns. That will just create mayhem. Close your wallet instead and make your own everything. Make your own entertainment, grow your own food, fix up and decorate your own clothes. Paint and repair discarded furniture. We the people are very resourceful and we can just shut them down if we really wanted to. Bring Back the Boycott!
In response to this thirty year war on the people who actually do the work, I say close your wallet. If they think they can get along without us, I say let them try. I'm no Luddite. I like my technology. I like getting up and writing a blog for instance, but I have had very little money most of my life. Education has given me a host of skills, not least of which is a clear view of what really matters. The truth is that we can live without a lot of stuff and just not spend any money. We can pay our taxes, put food on the table, clothes on our backs and live well with very little. The reality is that we the people have been through this before. The same nonsense happened during the depression. I say: Screw the economy until it stops screwing us. Give us good paying jobs or we won't shop. Some folks are out buying guns. That will just create mayhem. Close your wallet instead and make your own everything. Make your own entertainment, grow your own food, fix up and decorate your own clothes. Paint and repair discarded furniture. We the people are very resourceful and we can just shut them down if we really wanted to. Bring Back the Boycott!
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