Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Industrialized Food and Your Health

Mac Donald's is making us sick.  Even if you never eat a Big Mac, Mac Donald's is killing you.  It's no accident that obesity has skyrocketed since fast food became popular. The industry has gone a long way to changing the nature of our food.  In order to make food faster and cheaper we now force feed cows corn which they were never meant to eat and causes them to harbor dangerous bacteria.  Becoming a vegetarian is not the answer either.  Tomatoes are picked green and forced to ripen as they travel cross country.  Chickens fall over and suffocate because they have been engineered to have breasts so big that they cannot walk.  High Fructose corn syrup is in everything from bread to ketchup adding calories but no real nutrition.  At the same time the medical profession is hell bent on treating symptoms with the latest lab work from Big Pharma.  If we straightened out the food industry, our medicare problem will probably go away as people would be healthier later in their lives. Right now doctors treat only symptoms.  They can actually cure very few things.  For the most part, I stay away from doctors and try to stay healthy with good nutrition which is not available to many people.  There are many places without supermarkets close by.  My aunt who ended up getting sick lives in the Bronx in a food desert.  Living in a food desert is bad for your health.  But that's capitalism, which is not a very efficient system despite what the Republicans want to make you believe.  Capitalism leaves dangerous gaps.


  1. Look at all of these products for the prevention of gas and stuff like that. It's because the food is bad. As for doctors, it's best to go for maintenance because if you don't go, you'll have hell to pay later. Also don't forget that people still smoke, drink and get into accidents. You need doctors. It is true about food deserts though. In the Bronx there are a LOT of them. I once went to a friend's house and there wasn't a supermarket for miles. We had to take a subway to get to one. Unbelievable.

  2. Also, she's been saying that about food for years.

